Panic Attack Sufferers Find Cure with the One Move Technique

Panic Attacks Cures offers the One Move Technique, which provides a cure for many who suffer from emotionally debilitating panic attacks. Panic Attacks Cures is a member of the International Society for Mental Health Online and understands the urgent need for a cure.

Miami, FL (PRWeb) June 2009 –Panic Attacks Curesis excited to share the One Move Technique with the millions of people worldwide who suffer from emotionally debilitating panic attacks. The One Move Technique is one of the few methods that have provided a cure to thousands of people inflicted with the condition. Panic Attacks Cures was created to help provide relief to those who live in fear of experiencing another panic attack.

The National Institutes of Mental Health estimate that approximately 5% of adults in the US suffer from panic attacks on a regular basis. This means that a staggering four million American adults suffer from panic attacks.

When a person experiences a panic attack for the first time it can be incredibly overwhelming. The sufferer often feels as though they are having a heart attack and as a result, some 95% end up in the emergency room. The condition is often exacerbated by the realization that it was a panic attack.

This unexpected news leaves the individual with a great sense of dread. They live in fear of experiencing another panic attack. As a coping mechanism, many retreat to their homes and rarely venture out of their 'safe zone.'

Joe Barry, a fellow panic attack sufferer, conceived the One Move Technique and remains one of the few methods providing a cure for thousands of panic attack sufferers. During a panic attack, the midbrain is highly active while the forebrain is nearly inactive. This combination leaves people feeling overwhelmed by fear and they begin to panic.

Panic Attacks Curesbacks the One Move Technique , which teaches those suffering from panic attacks how to increase activity in the forebrain and reduce activity in the midbrain. This method effectively eliminates the panic and restores a sense of calm. To learn more go to / .