Anorexia: Help to Stop Anorexia Nervosa

The desire to stop anorexia nervosa in its path goes well beyond minor concern. Eating disorders and anorexic conditions similar to bulimia pose serious health risks. The need to quit the anti-eating habits is great for those who have anorexic tendencies.

Identifying Anorexic Conditions

Many people who have this type of eating disorder do not realize how severe the condition is. The onset of anorexic disorders typically begins around puberty. It is important to remember that girls are not the only demographic that needs to overcome anorexia. Many young men and athletes can have this type of eating disorder as well.

An anorexic weighs at least fifteen percent below normal. The individual continues to avoid eating in spite of his emaciated state. This may be because he sees himself heavier than he really is. This is very problematic in the recovery process because the distorted body image gets in the way of progress.

Fear and Food

Food becomes an object of fear as weight control becomes an object of obsession. The anorexic mind is filled with anxiety about gaining weight and the fear of gaining body mass is so overwhelming that the individual will avoid eating at all costs, including personal health and extreme hunger pangs. Odd ritualistic eating behaviors emerge including preparing large meals for others while refusing to eat.

Stop Anorexia Nervosa with Self-Hypnosis

Self-hypnosis is a very powerful tool in helping anorexics to develop realistic self-images. This is an important first step in the effective treatment of this eating disorder. Hypnosis is ideal when combined with clinical interventions developed by a physician.

Once the anorexic is able to see her body realistically, she is better able to put her focus on recovery. Part of the healing process requires a reorganization of thought processes. Self-hypnosis can provide anorexia self help that changes the dangerous patterns of obsessive thoughts, replacing them with healthy, affirmative ones.

In addition to proper body image and healthy thought processes, self-hypnosis also can stop anorexia nervosa by changing eating habits. Habits can be very difficult to break but with the help of the subconscious mind, they can be replaced with ease.

The process of using self-hypnosis as a support to help guide the subject to new thought patterns, habits and visualizations is pleasurable in itself. This approach serves as a therapeutic method of relaxing and calming anxieties and fears. The anorexia self help fosters the right state of mind to achieve success.

Self Hypnosis Recordings

Professionals who have impressive experience should create the self-hypnosis recordings. A prime example is by Debbie Williams that can be found here - Stop Anorexia Nervosa . Debbie offers extensive clinical experience and she is a celebrated NLP trainer and hypnotherapist.

Another excellent self-hypnosis recording is available here - Overcome Anorexia - created by renown hypnotherapist and trainer, Joseph Clough. A whole collection of impressive recordings can be found here - Anorexia Self Help - Click on the links for more information.