Despite what some people think, there are tons of people who have suffered bipolar disorder and there are many people now suffering from the disease. Celebrities and past figures can suffer from the disease as well. People often wonder, when they are hear people saying that have the disease, how they know they are inflicted with it?
1. Parts and Symptoms to Bipolar Disorder -
There are two parts of bipolar disorder and two different symptoms sets of the illness. The symptoms manifest and show themselves during one of the two parts...mania and depression. Think of the north and south pole...these two parts are as different as they get.
2. Energy levels -
The most noticeable difference in the disease is the energy level. When suffering from depression, the sufferer will lack energy and suffer from fatigue. They may even seem slow in responses. When they are suffering from the mania side of the disease, energy levels are off the charts and they do more amounts of activity.
3. Self esteem issues -
Self-esteem issues are also prevelant. In mania, the person thinks they are high and mighty making them become reckless but a depressed person thinks they are unworthy and feel guilty. This can sometimes lead the person to be indecisive
Depression and mania symptoms of the disease greatly differ because the themes behind them are. Symptoms of depression include: slowness, dull, small, introverted and hopeless. With mania symptoms, things can become overblown, huge, fast, outgoing and full of impossible dreams.
4. Concentrations levels -
It would seem on the surface that bipolar symptoms are very close in relation. Concentration levels of both can be looked at as being the same because depression concentraion is poor while mania is hyperactive. Both have problems with the thoughts in their head. The only difference is the person with depression has fewer thoughts while a mania suffer has racing thoughts.
5. Sleeping patterns -
Even sleep cycles are messed up for both types of sufferers. It can cause severe problems for them in their life. During depression, the person will not care of they sleep or not. When they do sleep, they will sleep long intervals. When they don't sleep, it can be awhile before they crash. For a person suffering from the mania side, the less sleep the better is how they feel. These sufferers can go days without resting.
Because the symptoms of this disease appear on each side of the spectrum, there is even more concern about their reactions during both types. During depression, the person will likely think about death, suicide and might even plan to commit suicide. Yet, the manic sufferer can have their own thoughts of delusions with bizzare preceptions with both audio and visual illusions.
Should a person really suffer from bipolar disorder, then they will suffer from some, most, or all symptoms of the disease from both sides of the spectrum.
And since this illness can be severe and have life-altering reprecussions, it is extremely important that they or the people they love in their lifes learn what the symptoms are and seek treatment as soon as possible