Start the Day Fresh

These are tough times – emotionally and financially – and in order your start your day on a positive note, you must take active control of your thoughts.

A while back I wrote an article that explained how I use a method to compartmentalize my own personal situations.  In other words, I know that there are problems and situations that I must deal with at some point in my life, but that time might not come for another day or another month.  I've taught myself to put those issues in the back of my mind – in a mental "compartment," if you will – which allows me to deal with the most immediate situations first.  Those issues that I have to concern myself with next week won't be interfering with my current daily routine until the time comes to deal with them appropriately.

It's not that I'm ignoring the problem; it's more about postponing action until action is required.  It takes time to master the knack of doing this but once you can control your thoughts a little better, you'll notice that life won't seem like an insurmountable task.  Taking little chunks and handling each thing in a priority order certainly will help you develop a more positive attitude about your life.

Even before you get out of bed, stretch your body and your mind and prepare for the day ahead.  Quote to yourself some positive affirmations knowing that if you think it, it will likely happen.  If you get up in the morning with a negative mindset, your whole day will reflect that attitude.  I guarantee it!  Instead, get up with a positive thought, before a random life event takes hold of your daily routine.  Things happen and most of how these events affect you is entirely the result of how you mentally handle and accept each situation that comes into your life.

It's really very easy – if you think you CAN'T you will never accomplish anything.  You remember as a child when you were first read the story of the "little engine that could."  The little train was chugging up the hill just saying to itself over and over – "I think I can, I think I can."  Well, it didn't make any progress until it started telling itself– "I KNOW I CAN!"   The moment you know you can you will help you begin to see how your mental state of being will always assist you in attaining the next goal, your next life objective.

Don't get me wrong, I've had plenty of rough spots in my life and there were times when I felt the only thing to do was to give up.  But someone gave me this same advice and I decided to try it.  Once I could rearrange my thoughts from mostly negative to mostly positive, amazing things started happening to me.  Those issues that I once thought were "mountains" that I could never climb suddenly flattened out and I could now run rather than limp through my life.   I also found that there were quite a few people out there who were willing to help me overcome some of my challenges.  In short, my life started changing for the best and I've never looked back.

Unexpected things in life will occur, anther great and logical reason to get your mind set on a more positive course now.  If you have a stable mental process, when you hit one of life's snags, you'll be more likely to handle it more productively.  Kind of like saving up financially for the proverbial "rainy day."  By preparing, whether mentally or financially, you're ready for anything that might throw some problems your way.

So from this day forward, begin each new day by first taking positive control of your thought process.  Don't dwell on the bad stuff; instead think about the good things in your life a little more than you have been.  Be thankful for your family and friends, your health, your experiences, and your dreams and you will soon find that your dreams will soon become the reality you've always hoped for.  It happens – it's happened to me.