Cool, Calm, Confidence and Composure

We are living in a very fast and technically advanced world, where distance has been conquered by developments in communication and with the help of internet information is on your finger tip. Knowledge on any subject is digitalized and accessing information has become easier. Knowledge is not limited to books, knowledge is not limited to knowledge workers, and it is yours provided you are willing to learn. The true aim of education must be to develop learning skills of learners and ignite the fire and passion to learn more.

Think for a minute when you truly want something, do you wait endlessly for others to help you get that thing. Knowledge is not the wealth which you can inherit; it is something which has to be learned. Knowledge does not make distinction between people. Knowledge is not just the expert knowledge of particular subject or particular field; rather it is the formation of strong personality with good values and ethics. Knowledge without ethics will become weapon in the hands of wrong person. The education which cannot teach you tolerance, manners, and the way of expressing your thoughts in cool, calm and composed way loses it relevance in personality formation of learner.

We are living in a democratic country and just like as a citizen you have the right to elect government in similar way as a consumer you have the right to decide about what product or service you want to buy. Remember winners are the one who take initiatives and losers are the one who keep on complaining. Winners don't have ifs and buts they have solutions, suggestions and ideas for betterment and excellence in any field. The traits of winning personality are honesty, intelligence, initiative, innovation, creativity, empathy, good work ethics, listening skills, tolerance, emotional and spiritual intelligence. Good manners and ethics we all expect from others but the question is how far we practice them. Remember true respect and love is the easiest to earn, you need to pay for it in same currency of respect and love. We all are one in the eyes of god and let it be like this only.

In country with scarce resources and huge population there cannot be any justification for dishonesty and corruption. The two powerful institutions of society are government and business and both need to be honest and transparent in their working. Country belongs to all its citizens and as global citizens we need to be aware about our responsibilities to our nation, world and to future generations. Somebody has rightly said leave the world better than you got it, sums up our duties and responsibilities as global citizens.