The 5 Bad Effects of Procrastination

Sometimes we do not realize that by keeping or pending the works is not good for ourselves. It will affect many aspects of our lives. In this article we will learn the effect of procrastination, and how to keep ourselves motivated.

Five bad effects of procrastination:
1. A feeling that a job has been left undone is bad for our morale
2. Unfinished jobs leave a lot of clutter around which affects our efficiency.
3. Putting things off means accumulating jobs and urgency could crop up on the same day.
4. Procrastination when it comes to the notice of other people maybe branded as laziness and lack of interest in the job.
5. The job becomes more unpleasant the more you postpone it.

The only thing that you need to get straight is that you have to do the job any way so why not do it right now. Do not wait for that day when-you-will-have-more-time. It will never come. The chances are that you will be busier tomorrow than you are today. Most of those jobs that we procrastinate are the-sooner-done-the-better kind. And the sigh of relief that escapes from our lungs once the job is done and over is worth it.

All it takes is some will power, make up your mind to do a task and then do it while your mind stay made up, and believe me, the human mind does not stay made up for too long.

But then, there is a chance that you might be confronted with a strange feeling, you might start finding your job to be monotonous and boring and that is what we are going to deal with in our next chapter.

Just look around you, it is a beautiful world out there. Life is wonderful provided you have the time and can afford to sit back and enjoy the simple pleasures of life. This is a feeling that hits us every now and then. And then when we realize that we have to be confined within the floor walls of our office, doing some work that has no scope for imagination, we end up depressed.

Every job loses its charm after some time if nothing out of the way is done to make the job interesting. To make things worse, there are too many distractions around us. We end up thinking that this is not the job that I wanted to be doing. And when we realize that we will be doing this same job probably till the end of our lives, we will want to scream.

It is a human tendency to get bored with something after some time. When we get a new job, ten for the first couple of weeks we are like the peasant boy who walked into a new palace. Every thing is new and interesting and our interest is completely captured. We try to learn things as quickly as possible and are eager to impress and prove to the world that we are perfect for the job. But after a few months we get used to everything and slowly everything begins to lose the charm. We get bored and start looking for greener pastures.

It is at this stage that procrastination starts raising its villainous head. If the tasks that we are doing are repetitive ad monotonous, the picture becomes bleaker. Along with this, if the requires that we remain on toes all day long, and then the future is sealed. It is in such situations that we need to keep ourselves motivated.