Gins, Raisins and Arthritis; Combo That Works!

If you suffer from arthritis, this is very serious. The pain which arthritis lets the victim experience is undoubtedly severe.  So choosing the right medication can be very vital to one's wellness. There are lots to choose from as a matter of fact. You can choose conventional pharmaceutical medicines if you are inclined to things which go through years of enormous developmental research. Or on the other hand, someone who is suffering from arthritis may seek alternative medication-for example, the much written-about gin with raisins.

What's with gin and raisins?

Gins, raisins and arthritis - do these words ring a bell to you? The combination may be off but trust us when we tell you that there is something about the combination of gins, raisins and arthritis. Did you know that gins and raisins are good as well as homemade remedies against arthritis? Strange as it may sound, gin-soaked raisins are the choice of many people as their remedy for arthritis. The origin of this home remedy is unknown but its rise to popularity started around the 1990's. It has been all the rage ever since the remedies for arthritis were first discussed. Now the question is does it really work? If you really think about it, how does a raisin swimming in a bowl of gin relieve such a painful ailment? If you examine all the stories and testimonials about this compelling mixture, you will perhaps think that the mixture does wonders. There are a number of stories written on it online, and many are saying that it works like a charm.

So how do you make the remedy?

  • First you get an empty bowl. Empty a box of raisins into the bowl.
  • Pour some gin into the bowl enough to cover the raisins.
  • Let the raisins soak in the gin for 7 to 14 days. Once the gin has evaporated take the raisins and place it in a jar that has a lid.

There are lot of variations on what to use and how to make the remedy but this is just one of the simplest ones. Make sure that the bowl is not made of metal otherwise your taste buds would not be so very delighted by the metallic taste it will leave on you. And from these simple steps, you have your mixture of gin and raisins in no time!

Many will always challenge how valid the claims of this remedy are. Since there are no tests yet are done to gins and arthritis insofar as to back up the testimonies, individual ingredients have therapeutic property of their own. Gin is made of juniper berry, well known for treating high blood pressure and PMS. The properties of grape have been known for its antioxidant powers and in medieval times, it is said that leaves of grape vines were used to reduce inflammation. With that being said, it only goes to show that gins, raisins, arthritis are things that seem awkward together but formulate a potent answer to an ailment.