Natural Home Remedies For Angular Cheilitis

If you are looking for natural home remedies for angular cheilitis, then here are a number of simple things you can do at home. If you delay treating Angular Cheilitis, the condition, which starts of as a bacterial infection can become fungal and then is very difficult to shift. Indeed, if you have painful splits or lesions around the mouth then treat quickly as it is most likely to be Angular Cheilitis rather than any other condition.

Delaying treatment can lead to the condition coming and going, with the attacks increasing in severity and frequency until it becomes an almost permanent feature.

As we use our mouths constantly, it is virtually impossible to avoid disturbing the delicate skin around the edges of our lips, when we are eating and speaking. This makes healing extremely difficult and what is needed is to dry up the affected area, as bacteria thrives in warm, damp areas and any natural home remedies for angular cheilitis must take this into account.

There can be many causes of this condition, including dribbling caused by fingernail biting or pen sucking. It can also be caused by ill-fitting dentures or braces. If pen sucking or nail biting is an issue, then one of the simple natural home remedies for angular cheilitis is to paint the offending object with a harmless, but bitter-tasting liquid such as vinegar. You can also apply a thin coat of lip balm or petroleum jelly to the area.

Both bacteria and fungus will die without the presence of oxygen and if you can prevent oxygen from reaching the affected parts, then it will quickly dry up.

If you have had cracked lip corners or scabs for more than a couple of days, it is likely that the condition has taken hold. If you would like to look at pictures that can help you verify your own condition, you can download this simple and effective overnight cure from the Angular Cheilitis Foundation.

This cure will dry out the condition within hours, providing fast and permanent relief.

Please visit Angular Cheilitis Treatment for natural home remedies for angular cheilitis.