Family Motivation: The Glue that Holds Families TogetherAs many people know from experience, the family unit can be a strong source of stability, security, and happiness. It can nurture support, love, and togetherness. However, when things go wrong within this unit, it can become the opposite: a source of great stress and tribulation. Family motivation is the desire to preserve the family unit and keep it intact. Husbands and wives: When couples have problems, family motivation comes into play. If a husband and wife truly want to make the marriage work, they have to be willing to make sacrifices for each other. Staying together is their motivation. They cannot be self-centered, greedy, or stubborn. They have to learn to work together to achieve goals and be a team. If they are unable to do this, their relationship will fall apart. If couples have a hard time solving their issues alone, family motivation may push them to seek marriage counseling from an outside source. Couples can visit a certified therapist or even a member of a religious clergy (if the couple is associated with a particular religion). Taking these steps can bring a couple closer together. Love, marriage and children: Each parent has a certain responsibility to the children they are raising. A parent should be reliable, consistent, loving, patient, generous, and be willing to give their undivided attention whenever it is needed. Parents should also be firm with their children. All of these parenting traits will help to raise a child that is well adjusted and disciplined. This is family motivation for a parent to succeed. Family motivation will inspire a parent to be responsible, keep a job, pay bills, and save money for the sake of the child's future education or needs. Family motivation keeps all types of families intact. Without it, family ties easily unwind. |