How to get Rid of Blackheads Overnight - 5 steps to Remove Blackheads

1. Using a mild soap to clean your skin is the first method of how to get rid of blackheads overnight . keeping your face  clean exposes the blackheads, removes impurities and is the best way to start getting rid of blackheads and preventing more from re-forming.

2. Gently exfoliate the skin of the face removing dead skin cells. Preventing the build up of dead skin  stops the formation of blackheads.

3. Apply a hot towel to a you face. The heat and steam from the towel  will soften the blackheads and make them easier to remove.

4. Okay, onto the fourth step of how to get rid of blackheads overnight . Placing a piece of soft tissue on two fingers, to prevent excessive abrasion, gently squeeze the blackhead from the base up, taking the root and completely clearing the pore.

5. Treat the popped blackhead with a natural anti-bacterial such as tee tree oil.This combined with cleaning your face regularly will help prevent the formation of sebum. This is the oil produced by the skin which blocks the pores and causes blackheads.

Don' try to squeeze the blackhead out too far, this can cause damage and may cause scarring. If the blackhead is being really stubborn don't try to remove it more than three times. In this case seek the advice of a dermatologist. This is what they do for a living remember. They are far better equipped to deal with stubborn blackheads.

These five steps are how to get rid of blackheads overnight . I also recommend embarking on a proven Acne Treatment Therapy.