My Motivational Video Collection (free)

There are lots of motivational posters like AIDS, books, audio tapes, but the power of motivational videos is highly under rated. A little video clips from popular movies like Rocky Can Seriously motivate one to train hard and Pursue Their Dreams. Sites like YouTube and Video clips lots of possessions Can anyone find motivational Because motivation is subjective Actually. The video of a bodybuilder is more powerful Paralyzed to an Aspiring Mr. Olympia while the video or a GSP's training for an upcoming fight is motivational to a student or mixed martial arts.

Motivational videos do not have to be about winning competitions or prizes. A successful entrepreneur talking about His road to success and his passion for His work Can inspiring a whole new generation of entrepreneurs. For example, Steve Jobs' speech at Stanford Graduation Ceremony HAS inspired a Thousands of people from all over the world.

Inspirational and motivational words are two differential yet They resemble the Same Quality - One That Compel Action and gives ideas. In order to compel, video clips and Humanize Have to be relatable. For instance, the Story of a cow's journey up a mountain will not touch anyone Emotionally, but a man's climb Everest or Can ignite a serious fire in one's soul.

>>>My Motivational Video Collection - free download (Paul Arden, Zig Ziglar, Anthony Robbins, Zig Ziglar, Bob Proctor, Less Brown, Brian Tracy, etc)

In comparison to books and audio tapes, video clips Have a motivational effect and they're much faster Also Usually free. The motivational power of a video is akin to a motivational quote on steroids: it stimulates you in a short time Rather. Just like with a quote, all you need to do is find a few good videos, Watch Them and keep them in mind Whenever You Feel Depressed or lazy.

Videos with motivational content Can Be Used in a number of ways. A football coach Can Use a video or like Al Pacino's speech in Any Given Sunday to psych up before a big game team historian. A Teacher Can Use one or many videos Lance Armstrong to teach students about re not quitting. A runner Can Use a video or ultra-marathon runners and triathletes as fuel to run Further and Faster Than Ever.

Why do motivational videos Have Such A Profound impact on us? They Remind us of what we Already Know, and Perhaps we forgot or what. Obstacles in our way make us forget our goals and dreams. They make us settle for less and lose the drive spirited That we had in the beginning of our journey. It's important to Remind yourself why you're doing what you're doing or else you risk succumbing to the continuous blows Against your morale. So Remind yourself - Every week or Every Day, for as long as it takes - by watching a few motivational videos.

>>>My Motivational Video Collection - free download (Paul Arden, Zig Ziglar, Anthony Robbins, Zig Ziglar, Bob Proctor, Less Brown, Brian Tracy, etc)