Lemons to Lemonade

When life serves us lemons let us be sure to make lemonade!  Imagine the sour taste of lemons but when sugar is added it makes a gentle sweet summer drink.  How many lemons have been served your way and what have you done with those lemons?  The choice is yours – those beautiful lemons that get thrown our way sometimes out of the blue – not expecting lemons – these are the situations that blow us away.  A pink slip, a loss of a loved one, a divorce – when these things happen do we fall in the dark abyss and rely on others to get us out or do we pick ourselves by the boot straps and make something good – something positive out of the darkness?  I believe that goodness can come out of every situation – but sometimes we are so marred by the negative – by the why is this happening to us that we loose sight and get completely clouded and in our clouds we don't get to experience even the simple joys of everyday life.  There's always a bigger picture even in the midst of the chaos in our life.  The bigger picture is the lemonade.  The rainbow across the horizon.  We have to train ourselves, train our minds to stop and look at the bigger picture.  There could be a reason for you to loose that job – it's possible a better one awaits you with benefits and more money.  There can be a reason for that separation from a loved one – maybe it's a time for self evaluation and self growth.  Do we choose to expand our thought boxes and old agreements we've made with ourselves in order to think in a positive light and make lemonade out of lemons.

Remember, may the possibilities of today excite us!