Ambition Over Adversity: The Story of Triumph

The are a lot of things in life that will try to keep the average person down. We all are victims of obstacles that we must overcome in life. I was a victim for a long time until I overcame one of the worst things that can happen ever happen to a person, money problems. It was to the point where I used to be so broke that I could not even afford to get out of debt. A lot of people in the world will not tell you their struggles and what they have been through but if we do not display our struggles, how can someone else benefit? How can we better someone else's life?

Difficult situations not only disciplined me, but forced me to sacrifice. You have to change something in your life in order to see a change. To me, its sad that most people do not even have enough time to spend with their kids (let alone themselves). For a good example, if you work 40 plus hours a week (every week)and you only have enough money to pay your bills, what are you living off of? Most people would say, "well, I'll just have to do without until I get paid again". Yea, and once you get paid again, its just going to another bill. Since paying bills is a never ending cycle, You will have to temporarily break this barrier. You have to take a "step outside the box" while taking prudent risks to have great things come to you. A lot of people do not like taking these kinds of risks but for change to take place, you have no other choice.

We live our lives with choices and the choices that we make today will always affect how we live tommorrow. The thing a person has to do to over come this "bondage effect" is do one of two things: invest and/or save. From my understanding of once being broke, I did not have any money to save. I did not even have any money to invest at the time. But I am sure that you heard the old saying, "where there is a will, there is a way"!

So what I did was, I was forced to start my own business. I had let my bills that could wait temporarily pile up and saved just enough money where I could invest in the internet. I have been doing this internet marketing for many, many, many years now. It was not easy at all but I took a step out on faith and worked extremely hard to get to where I am now. I used to work 2-3 full time jobs at one time in my early days of building my company. You have to always think about the long term outcome in any given situation that you go through.

We all come from different walks of life and with many different, difficult circumstances. But always remember that, the road may seem hard now but if you do not create some kind of a change in your life, its only going to get worse.