The Inspiration I Get From My Bruce Lee Posters Everyday

My daily pep rally with my Bruce Lee posters begins my day. Tony Robins, eat your heart out; this is my motivation. I love being a freelance writer but it can sometimes be a task. Due to this practice every morning, I am forever moving forward and successful.

I was once on the fast-track to not having the life I have today. Finding my Bruce Lee posters that I had not seen in a decade changed my life two years ago. The nostalgia of my inspired days and the dreams I swore to realize all came back to me. A magnifying glass was put on the unfulfilled career path and life I was living.

My sense of direction and purpose was gone. My living had changed the course of my life. I was mentally fatigued at the mere thought of going to work every day. My Bruce Lee posters became the beacons to my new journey. It was time to get off the hamster wheel and blaze a new path.

Bruce Lee does not sound like your everyday hero, I agree. You see, the most innovative people in history have always inspired me. From Albert Einstein to Zulu tribe leader Shaka, for various reasons of course. A high standard and an unmatched work ethics made Bruce a star. His philosophy appealed to me on many levels.

As a child I studied martial arts for quite a few years, in a dojo filled with Bruce Lee posters and dedicated his teachings. It was an ever present ideology as to the true reason this martial artist was famous. His way of thinking set him apart from all others in martial arts and this made him larger than life.

Looking at my Bruce Lee posters "empties my mind" each morning and starts my productivity for the day. If you learned the detailed background associated with the individual on those Bruce Lee posters of mine; I am confident he would probably inspire and motivate you to be the best you can every day.