Health Benefits of Sunflower Seeds

Studies have shown thatsunflower seedsare extremely good for you. They are high in protein which makes them a great substitute for meat. They are an excellent source of omega-6 fatty acids, and dietary fibers. They are high in vitamin E, B vitamins, and vitamin D, also known as the sunshine vitamin which makes one happy.

Sunflower seeds are also high in minerals such as potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, selenium, calcium and zinc.

By eating a handful of hulled seeds every day one can find relief from constipation, chest pain, ulcers, allergies, rheumatism, cure warts, slow down tooth decay and stop bleeding gums.

They are good for the heart, and will lower high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. They are also good for the hair, skin, eyes and nails. The antioxidants in sunflower seeds help to get rid of free radicals which are the number one cause for aging and many other degenerative diseases.

Sprouted sunflower seeds are a good source of chlorophyll which helps in detoxifying the blood and liver, and acts as a natural body deodorizer.

Sunflower seeds are also a natural appetite suppressant and therefore they are great for those trying to lose a few extra pounds. Unhulled seeds are a great substitute for chips and other unhealthy snacks because they tend to keep one occupied and therefore one consumes even less calories.

To add them to your diet, simply eat them as they are, or sprinkle them on salads, deserts, ice cream, or add them in with your baking batter.