You Are More of a Risk Taker Than You Think

If I asked a number of people why they don't go after their dreams of financial independence most would tell me they are afraid of taking the risk. Some may not even realize this is an underlying fear yet it is incredibly common especially among people who are set in their ways. They loathe their current working environment and desire an escape from the shackles of their professional careers, yet they don't believe they have what it takes to start a home based business. Think again!

Are you married? Do you have children? Did you go to school or get a new car? I know these events sound like commonplace but in actuality each involves an element of risk. When you get married, for instance, nothing is guaranteed. You do not know how the relationship will turn out, what struggles you will face or what direction it will take. But people are getting married by the millions every single day! You are a risk taker by nature and don't even know it. You take a risk every time you get behind the driver's seat or fly on a plane. In life, nothing is guaranteed and most decisions involve little if not a lot of risk.

Consider all of the decisions you made in your lifetime. If you really take a good look at your life, you will realize you have what it takes to start something new. If you believe you can do something, even if it is a small amount, you will possess the impetus to go after it. Yes, you will be afraid, but who isn't? I left a long and prosperous career as a chiropractor to pursue my internet business. Yes, the decision paid off immensely but I had some doubts and fears in the beginning. My dissatisfaction with where I was prompted me to continue in spite of negative emotions.

If you are sick and tired of the "status quo" lifestyle of the daily grind and know something better exists, now is the time to make it happen! Regardless of your status and income level in your profession, you can still take action and never look back. What is it you really want? If you are searching for freedom from the daily grind, I suggest you start focusing on what you need to do and take the next step. Everyone makes mistakes and you will too, but you will never change your current existence if you don't take any chances.

"Do you want to be safe and good, or do you want to take a chance and be great?"— Jimmy Johnson