Groin Hernia - a Very Common Disease!

Patients recovering from groin hernia should not put the tissue under the tension after a week of repairs, so they are asked not to drive for a month or two. From this point of view, in the course of a sudden impact or stop postoperative pain could lengthen the response times.

In large cities around the world preclusion of driving can have socio-economic consequences. The social and psychological recovery, next to the patients' physical well-being improve hernia repair.

Mechanical and chemical stimuli of large myelinated nerve fibers (A-alpha-fibre) or small, unmyelinated nerve fibers (C fibers) cause pain that follows the repair of hernias in the groin. The pain can be caused by mechanical stimulation of somatic tissue when tension is created on fibroconnective tissue of the groin directly and indirectly.

Direct pain will be served through the mechanical stimulation of the A-alpha and C fibers, and indirectly through the release of chemical substances that further stimulate the C fibers. Hydrogen, potassium, bradykinin, Serotonin, Histamine, Acetylcholine, proteolytic enzymes and Prostaglandin are chemical substances. To stimulate chemical substances in the C fibers that innervate the hernia sac that are excised and ligated under the traditional repair the cause visceral pain.

Excessive tension on the suture line that leads to somatic pain through the C and A-alpha nerve fibers is associated with powerful estimates of fibroconnective tissue of the groin, the traditional method of hernia repair. Visceral pain brought by ligation of the hernia sac is caused by mechanical stimulation and ischaemic changes in the peritoneum that lead to the release of chemical substances. A layer of synthetic mesh is used in modern hernia repair in order to avoid tissue under the tension. These repairs because they eliminate the somatic component of pain associated with a reduction in postoperative pain and in the visceral part of post-herniorrhaphy pain you will see a reduction because the hernia sac is not ligated.

Because the healing of hernia take six-eight weeks, it is better that patients do not drive at this time. The intra-abdominal pressure may increase due to the inertia effect of any significance or sudden stop anything that could interfere with suture line of repair. Since the technique does not involve pulling together and suturing the edges of the defect hernia repairs that do not use tissue tension is not vulnerable to this. From postoperative discomfort is minimal and without narcotic analgesics depends on the recovery period. The open repair without tension and laparoscopic repair is as linked to reduced postoperative pain. From that point of view has been made comparisons between laparoscopic hernia repair and tissue estimates under tension and open the repairs carried out without tissue tension.

Different types of hernia repair is performed without tissue tension can be associated with a reduction in postoperative pain and the risk of repetition that makes it possible for patients to have normal daily activities, including driving. On a week or less after the operation depends on the comfort and narcotic analgesics used patients can drive. The pattern of convalescence after surgery has been changed by modern techniques for hernia repair.

From different types of vehicles patients need different prevail, but it's better for them that after surgery to rest a month or two before you run.