How to Improve Ourself

Hello everyone,

Well everyone in this world has the possibility of improvement as no one is perfect.As the perfection level varies so the improvement level varies.From the days of my childhood I use to wonder that why do people make mistakes,then i realized the fact that no one is perfect.

The main thing which concerns us the most is our negative qualities,but one should always remember one thing that if there are no bad qualities then their will be no importance of Good qualities,so always work on your strength and minimize your bad qualities.The self improvement process starts itself,the day you are born and it continues till death.To accomplish our goals of life one should always do self analysis of oneself.

Self Analysis gives us  view about ourself and help to understand ourself in a better way.One can do self analysis before going to sleep and see what all activites one did throughout the day and sought the wrong deeds.As everyday has a new begining,one should always take life day by day and move ahead in life.

Self improvement is done when we overcome our negativities and know ourself in a much better way.One should be aware of one's thought very well,because most of the time we don't bother what we are thinking most of the time.This lack of concern of our thoughts harms us a lot as our thoughts are not focussed and so we dont work in a concentrated manner.

So the foremost thing one should do is be aware of one's thought and work in a better way.The best way to have a better life is to do good and have a feel GOOD factor.

May God Bless You All!!

Mukti Bhargava