Law of Attraction Workshop and the Role of Discipline

Staying disciplined is an important principle of using the Law of Attraction to achieve your goals as Law of Attraction workshops teach.  In the most recent issue ofPsychology Todayin an article entitled "Tame Your Temptations," Susan Carnell wrote that we often break our resolutions because we overtax our impulse control.* If you are finding it difficult to stay focused on the prize, there are a few things you can do to increase your mental stamina.

In order to bring about real change, we often have to undo years of programming, learn new habits, and rebuild our lifestyles and friendships. This is of course why it's so hard to teach old dogs new tricks. Carnell suggests that the willpower can become fatigued, so we should try to resist one temptation at a time. For example, if you are serious about giving your life a Law of Attraction make-over, but you've never meditated, visualized, or said affirmations before, you might struggle enacting the plan. Carnell recommends, perhaps, just building the habit of meditating, then adding visualizing to the routine, and so on. To demand 3 or 4 new concentrated, focused habits out of yourself daily can be over-doing it.

Another way to stay disciplined is by removing the distractions completely from your reality, rather than thinking you can be around the temptations and just have the willpower to say no, why torture yourself? If, for example, losing weight is what you are passionate and purposeful about, then don't even have fatty, unhealthy foods in your home. If your family wants to eat them, ask them to store the items hidden from you. Again, if you are having trouble focusing when you meditate, pick a quieter, more secluded area or go somewhere outside your home where the bills stacked up on the counter won't be calling to you.

We can also borrow from Alcoholics Anonymous here. Think of the millions of people worldwide who have gotten the focus they needed to change from AA. For example, use the mantra "one day at a time." Rather than saying, "I'm going to visualize 3 times a day for the rest of my life—eek!" say, "I'm going to visualize 3 times today." You may also want to find yourself a "law of attraction" coach, similar to an AA sponsor. If you aren't around people who regularly visualize, say affirmations, practice gratitude and the like then you are going to feel left in the dark. Connect with a life coach or even a friend online who can support, motivate, and encourage you to stay disciplined.

Furthermore, when we do things we feel lukewarm about, it can be hard to keep them up day after day. For example, an alcoholic has to be 100% dedicated and serious about sobriety, or they will fail. How can you find the passion and purpose you may struggle with? Ask yourself at what moment did you know you needed to lose weight, wanted to make more money, or dreamed of a better job? Mull over this moment until you figure out the driving you just love a challenge? Is your health in critical condition? Are you wasting your potential? Once you put your finger onwhyachieving your goal is so important, surround yourself with reminders of that. Tape pictures of super models in bikinis to your kitchen cabinets. Write your prosperity affirmations in the memos of your checks when you write out the bills. If you don't forget why, you won't struggle so much with how, when, what if, and why not.

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