Kids With Kidney Stones

Kidney stones are usually found in adults between the ages of 35 and 60 but there has been a steep rise in children getting them too, even as young as five year olds.  Fifty to sixty percent of kids with kidney stones have a family history of the disease.  Also, dietary factors can contribute to children forming kidney stones.  Children are eating more and more fast food which is increasing their intake of sodium along with consuming sodas loaded with caffeine. Evidence suggests that caffeine found in sodas can pose a threat to the development of kidney stones because caffeine acts as a diuretic and thus dehydrates the body which adds to the risk of kids developing kidney stones. This poor dietary choice is putting them at even a higher risk of developing kidney stones.

The most common symptoms in kids with kidney stones are back and abdominal pain; however, parents commonly mistake the symptoms for something else such as appendicitis. The most common kidney stones in the U.S. are calcium oxalate stones. By not drinking enough water and having a high intake of salt increases the amount of calcium and oxalate in the urine. Excess salt has to be excreted through the kidneys, but salt binds to calcium on its way out, creating a greater concentration of calcium in the urine. Eighty percent of the salts that people consume come hidden in such foods like canned food, pre-packaged and processed foods. So, limiting such foods in children's diets would greatly reduce the salt intake that is consumed, otherwise kidney stones are more likely to form with that type of diet.

Along with eating the correct foods, an effective, all natural way to prevent kidney stones is taking the 100% natural scientifically advanced formula Renavive, which has been shown to safely and effectively help dissolve and eliminate all types of kidney stones. In addition, Renavive protects the urinary tract from infection and can even be taken as a daily supplement to prevent future stones from occurring. Of course, no parents wants to see their child in pain or have to go through surgery, so taking Renavive, works painlessly and also cleanses the kidneys as the treatment dissolves the stones.

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