Praise- essential for personality development

Praise the praiseworthy.Who is praiseworthy?Pat comes the obvious question.The answer they say is 'blowing in the wind'.A person of creditworthy feats is praiseworthy!Isn't it simple?So,this means we cannot praise ordinary beings who lead simple uneventful lives? Of course we can, and , it can cause a world of happiness. Praise can do wonders to a person lacking in self confidence. Since praise emanates from the heart it helps the buds to bloom into attractive flowers spreading their fragrance and in the process making many others happy. A few words of praise can cause a chain of reactiions leading to a state of happiness.The renouned composer of Gitanjali,Kabi Guru Rabindranath Tagore wrote in one of His works that plants respond to us.Stand in your garden-lo! the poor plant is withering and about to die. Praise it.Not once ,but many many times.Water it, love it and watch it as it grows                                                                                                                                      Mechanical praising does not help.Praise should be genuine and heartfelt.A little child always scolded and rebuked at home will respond positively to praise in school or elsewhere.They need to be encouraged if they are incapable , sad or depressed.It is our moral responsibility  to discover the plus points in others,instead of indulging in futile gossip.Encouragement and praise can go a long way in shaping personalities.With praise one can develop self worth in those ,who are utterly depressed due to some mishap or failure somewhere.Praise can do wonders.Don't we praise THE GOD for his wonderful creation?What harm is there in praising his very own creation. Actually one must have the right attitude and be emotionally intelligent to be able to discover and praise the good attributes of others.

However flattery should not be mixed up with praise.People flatter with a wrong purpose for some selfish end.Infact the end results of praise and flattery are diametrically opposite to each other.Praise most often ushers in happiness,whereas flattery does nothing to develop potential. How would you differentiate between praise and flattery?The question might arise.A selfish individual with an ulterior motive will never flatter the weak ,the deprived and the penniless.