Popular Gurus Tackling About Finding Your Passion

There are so many leadership speakers, psychologists, spiritual guides, authors, writers and specialists that will guide and help you in finding your passion. It's a lifelong journey they say and each person consciously or unconsciously is in constant struggle to this journey. Here are some of the popular gurus in the country which you can contact to attend discussions and self-improvement workshops:

1. Bill Jensen is an information architect and internationally renowned speaker with thirty years of experience in consulting. Aside from "What Is Your Life's Work" he had also authored three other books: The Simplicity: The New Competitive Advantage, The Simplicity Survival Handbook, and Work 2.0. His book "What Is Your Life's Work" is a reminder of how short and precious our lives are and thus we need to recover our wisdom and work that brings us happiness and fulfillment. The book detailed some cherished exchanges between mothers and daughters, fathers and sons, and caring teammates and friends all sharing their thoughts and experiences at work and life in general. His first book "Simplicity: The New Competitive Advantage has been printed in over 15 languages and was among Amazon's Best List Leadership/Management book in the year 2000. He is base in Morristown, NJ.

2. Janet Quinn, Ph.D. is a registered nurse and distinguished researcher of Therapeutic Touch. Her book "I Am a Woman Finding My Voice: Celebrating the Extraordinary Blessings of Being a Woman is her first published book. It is a book of affirmations especially made for women which invites readers to reflect and find their passion in life. It draws readers to find inner space of solitude to become completely aware of one's essential being.

3. Charlotte D. Kasl is a feminist, social justice activist and psychologist. Among her published books are "Finding Joy," "Many Roads One Journ," "Women, Sex, Addiction." "Finding Joy" is a spiritual guidebook that shows readers to live a more balanced and richer life. Her another book that talks about finding your passion is "Many Roads One Journ," another guidebook with 12-step program that offers help to readers to draw on the steps underlying wisdom based on personal beliefs and strengths. Charlotte believes of living life one day at a time. She says," the only sure path is to live consciously, moment to moment, as you let go of the outcome."

4. Nancy Anderson is a career consultant living in California. She is renowned for her book "Work with Passion: How to Do What You Love for a Living published in year 2004. In 1976, she begun as career consultant and shared firm with two fiends. After five successful years in the business, she decided to put uo her own consulting business at which she also started working on the book "Work with Passion" based on her own and clients' experiences.

5. Chris Widener is a well known author and speaker. He has been in the business of public speaking and leadership training for twenty years. He founded the "Made for Success" a leading personal development companies. He has authored nine books including "The Angel Inside," a New York Times Bestseller about a young man in search of life's meaning and purpose. Unexpectedly, in his last tour in Europe, he met an old man who had led him to the discovery on the art and life of Michaelangelo. The artist and the artwork helped him to realize the hidden potential that exists in him. If you are in the process of finding your passion, this book is a great inspiration that will make you feel you are not alone in this quest.