Feng Shui - Develop a Positive Attitude With This Philosophy

The Chinese call the expression of "energy" Chi, but what are the basic qualities of this energy? It is invisible, intangible and changeable however we all feel it, in some shape or form.

If we can lift our Chi or spirit we will get more from life and this is exactly what Feng Shui helps us do.

Lifting Your Spirit & Mood

Feng Shui is the ancient Chinese art of manipulating and arranging your surroundings to attract positive life energy, or chi, so that it flows smoothly, unblocking any obstructions in your body and environment.

The Origins of Feng Shui

The geography of China requires careful consideration when constructing and planning buildings as the mountain winds are unforgiving and the lower areas are prone to flooding, which gave the art its name of wind and water.

Feng Shui evolved from the theory that people are affected by their surroundings Feng Shui is a guide to, respecting our surroundings and working with the flow of nature to create a harmonious environment, making us feel better and derive more from life.

The origins of Feng Shui date back several thousand years and although it originated in China, it now has millions of devotees worldwide.

Feng Shui theory

Take an example such as air, If there is one quality within air that we are all naturally aware of, it is the presence of oxygen as we can't live without it!

We all feel when we have exercised that our body is well oxygenated and our Chi, our spirit and mood, feels invigorated as a consequence.

Conversely, if we sit for a long time in a hot Smokey room or sleep in an unventilated one we, will feel tired, despondent and unenthusiastic. There are of course a huge amount of examples of how are environment influences our lives, of which the above is just one.

The flow of chi is influenced by a number of factors of the physical environment.

Colors, shapes, orientation, lighting, objects and their positions, the use of space, and the degree of cleanliness, all impact collectively upon our senses and determine a home's energy flow.

This flow affects us continually and affects our moods. You spend most of your life in your home and workplace and your surroundings significantly influence your Chi and moods so you want them to have a positive impact.

Feng Shui makes our houses and our workspace generate positive energy, which then attracts more positive energy to enrich our lives for the better.

The purpose of feng shui

When you Feng Shui a home or a work place, you're making a statement of what you want from your life.

Whenever you say the words "I am," you are making a statement about who you are at an exact moment in time.

When you make statements such as "I am broke" or "I am tired" you are in effect telling the universe about your mood and your condition. When you say you're sick and tireduniverse about your mood and your condition. When you say you're sick and tired, you probably will be Sick and tired.

Statements like "what you think about, you bring about," and "what you do comes back to you." underline what Feng shui is all about.

Instead of being negative Feng Shui focuses on the positive "I am feeling great", "I am in good health", "I am rich" or "I am happy."

These statements are mood lifting and create an ideal, which be different to whom you are at the moment.

This power of intention and the faith in your potential can help you get more from life.

If you're intent on getting rid of negative beliefs, Feng Shui will create a method for you to adopt positive beliefs, in your personal space and a method to help make more positive things happen in your life.

How Feng Shui enriches your life

If you think about it, your surroundings are so important to your mood and how you view the outside world that, getting an environment to reflect your aims and aspirations makes total sense.

Learn how to Feng Shui your space and you will change your life for the better.