3 Ways to Overcome Confusion & Anxiety NOWThere are days when everything seems perfect. When life seems to be flowing smoothly.. you get a new client, make a big sale, your boss loves you, people rave about you, your partner is happy and loving, the kids are being angels, and progress is effortless. And then there are the days mired in confusion, when nothing makes sense, when your wonderful new idea seems unattainable, your dreams seem distant and you can't seem to get anything right. What then? You know it's a phase, but how do you get out of it? Here are a few tricks I use. 1) Find the nearest bookon personal development, spirituality etc around you and ask "what do I need to know or hear most right now". Then open the book randomly. Nine times out of ten the answer will be in your face. I've done this without fail many times and always feel peaceful and calm with the result even if I don't understand it at the time. 2) Allow the moments of confusion.There will be moments of real clarity and just when you think you've got it figured out, confusion may set in. Be OKAY with it for confusion could be your inner critic (known as saboteur) creating fear to stop you from moving ahead, or something else could be in the process of happening that will add to or be even better than you could have imagined. Whatever the reason, by accepting the state that's present,you will relax and let go of needing to know right away. And by doing that you're back in flow againand leaving the door open for change. 3) Distract your mind by physically moving around, going for a walk, listening to music, reading a book - anything that will get you up and moving. When you are being active, more oxygen goes into the body (esp. the brain which consumes around 20% of the body's oxygen intake!) and that increases mental abilities, reduces stress and fatigue and boosts the immune system - all of which helps bring in more focus and clarity. Just try these 3 things the next time you feel overwhelmed and you'll find it really makes a difference. Do you have other ways that work well for you and can share with us? I'm looking forward to hearing them! Ps: the book I use is "The Little Book of Peace" by Susan Jeffers |