Nothing Is Impossible In This World

As we were growing up or even now that we are mature adults, we still can't help but dream. We may dream of becoming a famous athlete, a celebrity, a singer and even a fashion designer. We dream of one day living in the White House and ruling over a country. We dream of being a medieval princess being whisked away by prince charming. We dream of being the president of our very own company. We dream of having our very own family. We dream of traveling to exotic destinations.

Dreaming is but a normal activity in the lives of the people all over the world. After all, it is free to dream. But the thing is dreams should not remain only in our heads. They should become a reality; otherwise they continue to live at the back of our minds forever trapped in the midst of our thoughts.

For someone who may be successful in life or who may not have experienced many difficulties and problems in his life, it would be quite easy for him to say to go for your dreams. But for many of us whose journey may have been hard with the many problems that have beset our lives, we can't help but say how can I go for my dreams when all I have ever done has turned out to be a failure.

But I say this to you right now, that no matter how we perceive our dreams to be unreachable they are not at all impossible to achieve. It is different for different people. Others may experience passing through a smooth paved road as they move forward towards reaching their goals. On the other hand, the road to making our dreams into a reality may be quite a bumpy one, with frequent stops, missed exits and road blocks.

Of course, it is important to set realistic goals and plan you courses of action in reaching those goals. I have always believed that setting a time frame really helps. Don't pressure yourself too much and take every step of the journey with the will to survive.

As long as we do our best in everything that we do, our goals are within our reach. As long as we believe in ourselves and have the will power, the courage and the strength to move on despite all the odds, we can become successful with our endeavors.