How To Get Out Of Your Boring Life

"A bird does not sing because it has an answer; it sings because it has a song." - Chinese proverb

What is your song? Did you even know that you had a song? Most people I talk to either are unaware that they have a song or they no longer remember what it is. It sure is good to know and have confidence in your song. When the seas of life become choppy and you are tired, knowing your song gives you peace, keeps you focused, and enables you to stay completely centered. The best part is that everyone has a song and anyone can find it.

The truth is that we all came with a song in our heart. I call it our Neverland. This Neverland is designed into our hearts - it is the rhythm that we were created to dance to. When we lose our hearts we lose Neverland. For most this happens before age 20. We settle for an okay life believing honestly that this is as good as it gets and that Neverland is just a dream for children, that it's not practical or realistic. However, that is a lie. God and the forces of the universe want your success and designed you for that purpose. It isn't a fairytale.

In the movie Hook, Peter Pan loses his heart and forgets his Neverland. He forgot who he was and stopped believing that there was any power in Him. He settled for a mediocre life of what others called, reality. He lost passion, real joy, vision, and the fire of a heart fully alive. Sadly this happens to all of us. Maybe you forgot and maybe you don't remember that you even ever knew. Don't worry because even though you may have forgotten your Neverland, it has not forgotten you.

You see, Neverland is real but it isn't for children. It isn't a place where we play all the time. (Retirement) Neverland is when you live the life you were designed for. When your work, and play flow from this design. It is the place where the cries of your heart shout loudly into the world in a beautiful symphony of sound. If you are reading this article then you have already begun to hear Neverland's calling. You may be resisting but it will not give up.

Beware though! Just like in Peter Pan's Neverland there are pirates that try to end you. They want Neverland for themselves and will do anything to get you to forget that it is real or that you have value. They want you to think that they are powerful and wise and that you could never defeat them. However, the truth is much different. They have no power except the power you give them. When you wake up to the truth that you have more power in your little finger than the pirates have in their whole fleet, than you will never fear them again.

Time is chasing after all of us - don't wait for Neverland to find you. It will never stop calling but you can stop hearing. Decide today to step out on the adventure that you were designed to live.