The Pursuit of Greatness

There is a desire in everyone to do something great in life. As a little kid, you may have had dreams to be super heroes, pro athletes, or to be famous. When you are small you think you are invincible. It never even crosses your mind that you can’t be great in life.

It’s not until you get older that people start telling you that you aren’t qualified, talented enough, or smart enough. You begin to believe what they tell you and before long you are molded into what other people tell you can or can’t be. Before you know it, life as passed on and you are in a place of complacency and despair. Every once in a while tiny hopes of greatness go off on the inside but you no longer need someone else to tell you that you can’t do it, because you are constantly tell yourself that you can’t do it.

You may be afraid to dream and think of yourself as a success, someone with great things to do in this world. You may even find yourself stifling someone else’s dreams and pursuits. Not because you want to but because that’s what everyone told you so you now believe that it is true for everyone.

The truth of the matter is that you are here with a seed of greatness on the inside of you. You are meant to do great things in your life. You are meant to be a role model of success to all the people around you.

Begin to take the steps necessary to start dreaming again. Let the greatness that’s on the inside of you begin to grow. Stop allowing yourself, and others around you, tell you that you can’t do something great.

Now it won’t be easy, but of course nothing great ever was. You may make mistakes or even fail a time or two. But whatever you do, don’t give up. Greatness is within your reach.