How to Become a Billionaire With Your Mind

Did I get your attention there? Yep, I think I did. When you saw the word billionaire, you already thought, hey I can't even make a million dollars! What more a billion? Still you clicked because you are curious about it. Am I right?

Anyways, I don't have a million dollars yet, but don't get me wrong, I am working on it as we speak, and I wouldn't let anybody tell me it's impossible. As a matter of fact, anything is possible in this world. The only thing that is keeping us from achieving it is our limiting belief.

Who would have thought Tom Cruise would survive Mission Impossible 1, 2, and 3?

Who would have thought man is able to walk on the moon? That was just wishful thinking 100 years ago, until Neil Armstrong did it.

Who would have thought Bill Gates would be the richest man on earth? He wasn't born rich, he just used his talent and created something the world needed.

My point is, everything just starts with an idea. The chair that you're sitting in, your cell phone, flat screen TV, etc. At some point in time those who invented it made a fortune from their creations.

On this age of the internet where information is free, resources are abundant, and opportunities are endless. Why not strive to get that million dollars and then worry how to get that billionaire status after? Sounds crazy? Maybe for now it is, but as soon as you start believing, you will inevitably achieve it. After you passed that limiting belief and start researching ways to make that million dollar of yours a reality, you'll notice that you have a new sense of power within you. The power to get ahead of your life and be in control of your circumstances, sounds cool don't you think?