The power of Persistence - The Law of attraction and The Power of Mind

Persistence is the core character for most people who attract wealth and good results in their lives. In life you will face obstacles and challenges  despite all the planning and good intentions you may have. You therefore need to persevere against all these in order to manifest your dreams.

By forming a persistence character you arm yourself with an attitude that  does not recognise failure. Any so called failure will only be a stage for evaluation and learning new ways to follow. You learn to pick yourself after you fall.

To maintain persistence you need to keep a firm focus on your goal. Always hold  a clear picture of your goal on your mind as you go about your business. This strengthens your resolve  to keep keeping on should anything unpleasant or distracting happens.

Persist in affirming your desire on daily basis until you are fully obsessed with it. When you do this nothing will be able to stop you from getting your desired good.

Discipline your self to create a clear cut plan of action for the achievement of your goal. Persist to follow that plan to completion. When you work on your plan your confidence in yourself keeps growing as you achieve baby steps that accumulate towards the achievement of your entire goal.

Do not be discouraged when you miss some targets. Be flexible and learn to review your plan regularly. Observe what is working what is not and take corrective measures accordingly.

The law of attraction or cause and effect states that like attract like. If the rich and famous achieve abundance and wealth through persistence likewise will you achieve wealth and abundance though persistence.