Dean Kosage's response the negative on the internetI will give you advice on how to deal with negative online or haters in general but first I will use myself as a example , because I went through this myself :) so don't worry if this is happening to you ... it happens to all great thinkers or leaders . Hopefully my story can assure you I understand the pain and give you hope :) The negative online I dealt with was erected by Scott Larson ( the old school verson of perez hilton the celebrity blogger ) and hater of networking companies , his goal was to try and shame Amway/Quixtar a Billion Dollar company for changing their name to Quixtar in addition to redirecting people to Quixtar/Amways competition humm :) In my case he found the incident of a 911 call I made one night during my Divorce , in which my ex wife was taken to jail by the police . Scott posted up my ex wifes and mother in laws " statements " from that night and called them " police reports " which of course they where not . The short version is the police did what they are trained to when they respond to a domestic violence , They took the " statements " of the 3 of us that where there . Then lucky for me they where able to listen to the 911 call I placed because I left my phone on so the police dispatch could listen in . Obviously the 911 recording did not match the "statements" from my ex or her mother and she was taken to jail . It is unfortunate that a blogger is using that night of personal pain to throw mud at a networking company . I would expect anyone of maturity to see instantly that this is just a google bomber web posting vs who is posting the negative statements of a ex wife who went to jail , hence rendering it worthless and part of the online celebrity gossip sights :) I have been a bit amazed however some people seem to believe a "statement " as if its true even though they have not meet the person who wrote it or the fact that the police ignored the statements , or that my statement from that night somehow he decided not to post :) I have not responded to the online sight until now for the following reasons . 1 ) my daughter was not old enough to deal with the questions that would come up , plus what good does it do to tell your daughter that her mom went to jail for being physical and not respecting the law . We all make mistakes . 2 ) If you are trying to discredit someone who has been speaking and mentoring people publicly for 17yrs and all you can find is a bad night during a divorce over a decade ago I would think you would realize thats amazing . Heck if you put 10 people in the same room , you already have a issue somewhere , and in todays world the internet has just become the bathroom wall that attracts a certain crowd who loves to write on it . I personally never brought a pen into the bathroom to talk about someone else :) 3 the last reason I did not respond is I was watching Scott Larson already get sued by many people and companies already so I was focused on recovering emotionally , financially, and most of all a being good DAD :) Scott has been sued by the some of the largest companies and some very creditable people and now is hiding in a foreign country , his computer was seized from my understanding as well . HOW DO YOU HEAL ? 1 Yes it hurts but stop whining and look up how many people hate on mother teresa online its over 40,000 plus so no matter what if you spend your life helping people you will gain haters , type " i hate anthing thing and see what comes up " it will shock you . 2 Stay close to other winners who know what it feels like so you don't doubt yourself ... when your values and character gets attacked you can lose tons of energy if your not protected by good people . "The intelligent wounded animal seeks the temporary shelter of the heard " 3 Read about other impact players in life and gain strength from their stories of overcoming . This will deepen your compassion for others . 4 If your are spiritual remind yourself that " this to shall pass " and that your faith requires these tough times to grow :) 5 Trust that there are plenty of great intelligent people out there who don't believe gossip or worse treat you as if you are guilty . IN fact the most influential will relate to you now :) 6 Last do not feel guilty for your feelings of anger or pain , or resentment . Often in todays world people try make you feel as if you react to a situation with anger or pain that you need help or are out of control . Feelings are human , and we often will speak out of the flesh when we feel attacked . Even though we may choose to use faith to recovery or to heal it does not mean getting upset or vocal is wrong . The " turn the other cheek " phrase that is so often misquoted and taken out of context can really cause you guilt until you find a true mature person of faith or a pastor who can help you understand how to interpret that passage . FOR ME Due to the fact this all happened in the public eye , I was blessed to gain the respect of respected and influential people all around the world Hench my last few awards from CAMBRIDGE and STRAFHMORES . Thank you for all the great testimonies from you people as well , lets do great work and not let the haters pull us down :) To Learn More About Dean Kosage Please Visit the following Sites: |