Finding the Success in Failure

You ever failed miserably at something? I'm sure if I were sitting across from you now, I'd see you nodding your head - just like me. Failure is something that we all experience from time to time and let's be honest, its no fun to fail. In fact, it really blows! Truth be told, if we want to be genuinely successful, failure is one of the best things that could happen to us. Yes, you read that right. Behind every great success story, money back guarantee that there are a dozen tales of utter failure that preceeded it.

Here's a classic example. Name this person. Failed in business. Ran for state legislature - lost. Later lost his job so he tried to get into Law School - couldn't get in. He borrowed some money from a friend to start a business that within the year was bankrupt. He spent the next 17 years of his life trying to pay it off. Ran for state legislature again - won this time. He was engaged to be married and his fiance died, causing him to have a nervous breakdown. He was in bed for 6 months recovering. Tried to become speaker of state legislature - defeated. Sought to become elector - defeated. Ran for Congress - lost. Ran for Congress again and won this time. When he tried to get re-elected - lost. (You getting depressed yet? Well there's more!) Tried to obtain the vice-presidential nomination at his party's convention - got fewer than 100 votes. Ran for the Senate again - lost again. Elected president of the United States in 1860. This of course is none other than our heroic president, Abraham Lincoln. Talk about wading through some serious challenge before seeing success. This story is the quintessential example of the saying, "If at first you don't succeed, try, try again!"

Oprah Winfrey is also a prime example of someone who, after what would seemingly be the ingredients for only failure, was able to rise above poverty, a broken family, and abuse to become one of the most powerful women in the world.

What do these two individuals have in common? They rose above adversity and continued to persist even under tremendous challenge. Like them, we may experience failure - but it is only succumbing to and not learning from our failure that is the true tragedy. Mark Twight, owner of Gym Jones stated, "The risk of failure, social or physical, is paramount, because failure and dissatisfaction are the parents of thought. Success and fulfillment do not inspire or require introspection." If we allow ourselves to be educated by our misfortune or mistake, pull up our boot straps and then continue on, such failure will only deepen our character and strengthen our will to succeed. Let it also be noted that success is never so sweet as it is when we've worked tirelessly for it.

Friend, to you I say don't be afraid of failure! When hardship comes your way, stand fast through the storm and then your roots will be stronger than ever before. Then, and only then, will you truly succeed.

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