What Makes Successful People Successful?

A few people have accomplished noteworthy things through the ages. What is it that distinguishes these mortals from the rest of humankind? Does anybody have the potential to attain these pinnacles of wealth and power? Those who trust in the Law of Attraction think so, because they consider this is the secret that sets the successful ones apart from the rest of us.

According to the Law of Attraction, if what we desire is constantly in our thoughts then it will be "manifested". Unbelievable as this appears, many celebrated and successful people are alleged to have achieved their success in just this way and there are many books devoted to revealing how this works. As you will discover when you read to the end of this article, there is even a movie about this very topic.

One early and concise account of the Law of Attraction is "As A Man Thinketh" published in 1902 and written by James Allen. To quote Allen from this work, "The soul attracts that which it secretly harbors, that which it loves, and also that which it fears. It reaches the height of its cherished aspirations. It falls to the level of its unchastened desires - and circumstances are the means by which the soul receives its own. "

Shortly after "As A Man Thinketh" came "The Science of Getting Rich" by Wallace Wattles, published in 1910. This establishes the link between thought and money: a subject then adopted by Napoleon Hill in his all time best seller "Think and Grow Rich". I

n this book, Napoleon Hill sums up his findings after interviewing 500 of the most moneyed men of the time. He concluded that they had certain matters in common, including the ability to harness the force of the subconscious mind using self-suggestion.

"As A Man Thinketh" was the inspiration for the movie I cited before. This movie is known as "The Secret" and there is a free preview on the internet. To find out what The Secret trailer is all about click here .