The Ripple Effects of After-Death-Communication with Your Loved Ones

We all have lost someone near and dear to our heart at some point in our life, whether to natural causes, illnesses, or tragedy.  No matter the cause of death, it hurts each of us so deeply and affects us in different ways.  I have spent the last twenty-three years working through and dealing with my sister's death, and have been ever so blessed to receive her help from the other side.

As you face and move through the grieving process, have faith and trust that your loved one on the other side is okay.  Understand that our loved ones want to be remembered and to remain close to us forever.  They want to sprinkle a bit of heaven upon us, as they know and understand the challenges of everyday life here on earth.  I have had a relationship with my deceased sister for the last twenty-three years.  I can honestly say, as odd as this may sound, that I could not live (here) without her (over there).  The powerful ways in which she comforts me, inspires me, supports me, and guides me is remarkable.  Be open to the possibility of receiving miraculous blessings from those you love on the other side.  When you do, you will experience the ripple effects of your connection with your deceased loved one for the rest of your life!

Consider these ripple effects:

· From my sister's and my heavenly connection, I have more faith.

· With more faith, I believe in myself at a deeper level.

· With profound belief, my self-confidence expands.

· With increased confidence, it's easier to take risks and leaps of faith.

· Through taking risks and leaps of faith, I experience more, achieve more, and receive more glorious gifts and blessings.

· Achieving and receiving lifts my spirit and makes me more positive.

· Being more positive makes me desire more good, period.

· Desiring more good is a driving force to keep the faith and continue my two-way communication.

· Continuing this communication makes me feel alive, connected, and supported -- the place where all peace resides.