Personal Statement Examples Goals - Composing Effective Personal Statements

/? 280510" Personal Statement Examples Goals

Congratulations! You are now at the forefront of another academic milestone as you plan to rise to the next level and pursue advanced studies. Whether you intend to pursue graduate studies in a local school or abroad, you will have to undergo a rigid admission process, which will require you to submit various application documents, foremost of which is the Personal Statement.

What is a Personal Statement?

In terms of content, a PS is a formal essay stating your personal and academic background, pertinent achievements, goals, qualities, and characteristics, which might help influence the decision of the admissions committee to accept you in your school of choice. Perhaps, the most important point we should consider is that a PS is required by most schools as their method of gauging a few important factors: /? 280510" Personal Statement Examples Goals

1) Obtaining a glimpse into your personality, which they cannot observe just by perusing your transcript;

2) Evaluating the way you organize your thoughts; and

3) Checking your level of English proficiency.

A PS is one of the most important components of your application because this document, when written correctly, will offer your readers, namely the admissions committee members, a quick glance into your life story so far and which direction you plan to take. You are inviting the reader to share your experiences as you disclose who you are as an applicant. Through your PS, you are providing them a general picture of your background and qualifications, knowledge of which will allow them to evaluate your suitability for admission to their school accurately. /? 280510" Personal Statement Examples Goals