Defeat Blemishes With This Three-step Regimen

Have you ever been getting ready for a big date or an important job interview and discovered an unsightly pimple on your face?  Adult acne can be embarrassing, frustrating and very difficult to ignore.  We were always told when we were teens that we would outgrow our acne, that it was “just a phase” and would clear up when we were adults.  We were never warned us about adult acne.  The fact is 30% to 50% of adults over 70 million people in the United States alone suffer from breakouts but because the condition is associated with adolescence, it is often misdiagnosed or overlooked.  

There are a number of things that can contribute to adult acne including diet, environmental assaults, stress, sleep deficiency and hormonal genes.   In order to truly treat and prevent these types of blemishes, you must start at the root of the problem and address these contributing factors in your life in addition to a good skin care regimen. 

Whatever the cause of the breakouts, most acne treatments on the market today are extremely drying and only treat blemishes from the surface by removing excess oil from the skin.  Acne starts deep below the surface and needs to be treated and managed with the right skin care regimen and the right combination of ingredients. 

This 3 step skin regimen with multi-med peptides and active medicated botanicals has been proven to not just heal but prevent acne from deep below the surface of the skin.  Developed by dermatologists, this is the most comprehensive Blemish regimen on the market and has been sold in fine department stores across the country.   You can expect within just 2 weeks to see a dramatic change in your complexion.  Imagine touching your face and feeling the smooth youthful skin you’ve always dreamed of.  It is within reach.  You can finally live with the confidence and self esteem you deserve, pimple and blemish free.  

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