Where Do You Place Your Treasure? - Wealth Builders

"Where ones treasure is there also is his heart."- Jesus
How and where do you tend to invest your earnings? Your kids? A worthy cause? Your own development? Stuff? This isn't some lecture about where you should be spending your money. You earned it and you should do exactly what you wish with it, enjoyment included.
What I will challenge you to do, however, is to simply ponder where you what you are devoting your treasure to and what an objective analysis about that may reveal to you as a realization about what is important to YOU in life.
Is it in alignment with who and what you want to be? You may surprise yourself with the answer. On this journey, it is imperative that we occasionally do a self analysis just to make sure that we are aligned with the end goal of who and where we want to grow into.
Sometimes while analyzing myself I discover that my own actions may have fallen out of line with what it is that I say i want to accomplish. This is normal. You must remember that in this society we are not necessarily taught how to become wealthy.
A tiny percentage of us are born into it. A small percentage of us work at it until we get it right. A slightly larger percentage works at it, fails, then quits. The vast majority of people only wish and dream about it and never take any decisive action in the direction of their dreams.
So as you are looking in the mirror and occasionally assessing your life's alignment with where you say you want to go, don't judge yourself to harshly. Be objective, be truthful, make the necessary changes, and continue moving forward on the journey to attainment of your dreams.