Bored? in a Rut? Feeling Stifled?

Well, let's get you out of it today!

If you are bored, you've probably allowed yourself to become a boring person.

If you are in a rut, you've probably dug it.

If you are feeling stifled, you're probably squelching your own creativity.

So, now that we've identified the culprit responsible for these feelings you're having, let's get on to the solution . . .

First, realize that you have a talent. Maybe you already realize what it is, maybe you don't.

If you do know what your primary talent is (because most of us have more than one, thank God!), then you need to take one step toward expressing that talent, and you need to take that step today!

For example, if you have always loved to write, whatever kind of writing that might be, e.g., letters, stories, article, novels, et al., put some direction to doing that by getting into your word processor and bringing up a blank document (the dreaded empty page).

But don't sit there stewing and feeling frustrated because you feel that you don't have a clue as to what to write or where to start. God gave you a creative mind, so use it.

Grab the first thing you see. Pick it up, turn it around, look at its qualities, shape, feel, the material of which it is made, its color, function, etc. Consider what it took for someone to conceive the original idea of making that object and think about the thought processes he might have had. Maybe do a little research to get the creative juices flowing.

If you get nothing out of that, go through the same process with another object. Or pick something living, such as a plant or an animal. Get your senses involved. How did that thing come to be in your life/environment?

Ideas will start to flow in quickly, and you'll probably have to write them all down as fast as you can before they escape!

On the other hand, if you have no clue as to what your primary talent might be, take a walk—with notepad in hand. Where doesn't matter. Just get out of the house, and as you walk, notice the kinds of things to which you are attracted. Maybe a neatly manicured lawn, a well kept home, children at play, the flora and fauna.

As you walk, stop and jot down the things that attract you the most. Then take a drive to enlarge your horizon and do the same thing. Go to a mall and repeat the process.

When you get home, you should have several items on your list. Now just sit down and mull over everything on it and consider any possibilities that might come to you as to how to get yourself involved, e.g., if children at play attracted you, maybe child care services would be your niche. Or maybe that manicured lawn conjures up visions of a landscaping business. You get the idea.

Then it's time to take the first step, whatever you decide it should be. Just get in the habit of doing something every day that will lead you to commit yourself to the excitement of fulfilling your destiny using your God-given talent.

Please note: The operative word in the last sentence is "commit"! Don't just get involved. With a plate of bacon-and-eggs the chicken was involved, but the pig gave it all he had. And don't you dare climb up on the fence and perch there until you've finally concluded which side has the greenest grass. No! Throw your hat over the fence, and then climb over after it.

There's a whole new, bright, beautiful world over there . . . go for it!