When Is the Last Time You Did Something For the First Time?

The first time I heard that was from Harry Beckwith when I saw him speak. It got me to thinking and I made a pledge to do a lot more FIRSTS. Last night was one of those firsts. Brits Bar in Minneapolis, Minnesota has a garden roof top that is covered in grass. On Saturdays and Sundays they have lawn bowling and on Monday nights during the month of August they show movies on the roof top. The movie is projected on to a white block of bricks on the Doubletree Hotel. You grab a bucket that has napkins, forks, ketchup and a number on the side and plunk down on the grass with your blanket. We ordered dinner and drinks and ate right on the lawn while waiting for the movie to start. Then at 8:30 PM the magic begin. As we stretched out on the blanket with our 3 kids, we munched popcorn and watched Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.  Right there on the rooftop in a crowded metropolitan city my kids got to enjoy a whole new experience. For me, it brought me back to the days of my childhood with drive-in movies. Remember those? Mom and Dad would pop a big bag of popcorn and put some pop in a cooler and we would head in our station wagon to the drive-in. The big deal was when you were old enough to go up and lay on the roof of the car. We would peek down and make funny faces at our parents though the front windshield. I am sure it added much to their movie experience. So last night I experienced something for the first time… And I loved it! Remember to recharge yourself by trying new things for sometimes a slight twist in perspective is all you need to re-energize, to see a problem in a new light, or to become more innovative.

And, in the process you may just create some new loyal customers, like Brits did last night.