Are You Over 50?
How many days do you have left?
How many weeks do you have to finish all in life that you have hoped to accomplish?
What are the gifts you will leave behind?
What yet remains undone?
Can you do it all in your time remaining?
What will be your legacy?
Are You Under 30?
What is it you wish to build in your life?
What is it you desire to experience?
Those very young people who gather eagerly 'round your feet -- what will you give to them, bequeath to them, that is truly lasting?
What is it that your heart tells you to do, that your soul insists you must create, in this your one mortal life to live.
For Those of You Between 30 and 50
What have you done so far in your one-third, or one-half life? Is it, has it been, what you want it to be for the rest of your life?
Can you see far enough into your distant horizon to say you are truly satisfied with the trajectory of your life. If you stay on this course to the end, will you be able, at the end, to say it was enough? It was everything you wanted?
What is your passion? Has part of your passion been drained away?
Where does your soul insist you at least visit -- accomplish -- do before your end?
Where do you go from here?
For All of Us
The future is all you have left. When that is gone, it is gone. There are no "do-overs", no "woops, can I have a Mulligan," no second life in this body, in this identity, in this your time remaining.
So what will you be doing in your one life to live?
I have no answers for you to any of this. Nor does any one else. It is all an enigma hidden within the soul that is your true self.
Yet, whatever the direction of your life, whatever the fullness of expression you have yet to create with your remaining time, will, and energy, there is room enough for more love. There is an expression of love that has yet to unfold, has yet to reveal all that lies unsaid, undone, unexpressed from the center of your heart.
There is more of your love that you could allow to escape into the open. There is more of your love to encompass all you have loved, to embrace all who gather 'round the warm fires of your love's expression. There is more love to touch all you want to love, whom you could love, who seek your love.
For, it is these, most especially all of these, who seek the one thing they could not ever get any place else. They ardently desire what only you can provide. What they need is the beautiful embrace of your unconditional love. And make no mistake, it is your love, your full love, your power-filled love that all these seek, need, and crave from you, above all else.
Your Legacy
In your one life to live, in your final moments, as the last days of light slip past your mind, it is love, only love, that you will cherish, hold onto, and carry with you as your companion into the grand adventure that awaits you beyond.
After your eyes have closed one last time, love only remains. Love only remains.
And as love is all that remains at your end, then should it not be all that motivates, moves, and stirs you to action in your time remaining? Should your openly expressed love not also be your constant companion in your every moment, every day?
No matter what you may dream, build, develop, or accomplish in this life, remember now, with a daily burning memory, that for you, for them, for the eternities, love only remains.
So chose this day what love you wish to remain. Whatever you create from this day forward will be your lasting memorial. A life-lived memorial of love.
This is the core, the true identity of the lasting hero. A real hero.
Ask yourself each day, as you close your eyes for the night: Have I been a hero today?
Next Week: The Heroic Generation that Changed the World
If you would like to pre-register for a copy of Boyd's upcoming book, "The Hero Quest," send us an email here.
© 2007 Boyd L. Jentzsch