The Top 5 Things 3% Leaders do Every Day

1. Visualise and Meditate daily on your goals

In order to provide leadership and inspire others, you must have strong, clearly defined goals. It is not enough to simply state and write down your goals, you must keep them always on your mind. To do this pick a quiet place and time, and visualise you goals. Try to see great detail in your goal as if you already have achieved it. Hold the image for at least 30 seconds, examining it in detail. Do this every day.

2. Income producing activity

Leadership means showing people by your example how to succeed in the endeavor you and they are engaged in. Leadership means being there for them, and teaching them valuable lessons. The more value you can supply, the greater your success can become. Make sure you engage in income producing activity daily.

3. Engage in personal developement

To become and stay a leader, you must constantly become more valuable to people. Always keep learning as much as you can. Always remember your focus is to provide people with value, so to ensure that you are able to do so, always keep an open mind and seek out information that is of use to you and others.

4. Mastermind with leaders

Seek out and contact leaders in your company or niche. Ask them any questions you have. Your questions will help them be more valuable to people. As you keep in contact with these leaders, you will begin to feel you to are a leader in your right. A popular saying: "Your net worth depends on your network" says it all. Who you associate with makes the difference in your ability to succeed.

5. Cultivate the expection of leadership

Think clearly who, and what you are. You really can do anything that you want to do. Get used to the idea that you are valuable to people. As you continue learning, you will be able to provide more and more value to people as you conduct your business and your life.

It is well known that 97% of people working online do not get very far. The remaining 3% make most of the profits simply because they are leaders. The above activities are the at core of their leadership abilities. Practice these top 5 things every day, and you will be well on your way to all the benefits of great leadership.

For more information on this topic see works by: Jim Rohn, and Zig Zigler among many others.