Fish Oil for Acne

Acne is most common skin problem all over the world. Acne can attack in any age. People think that acne is teenage, and sufferer will come out of it by the time which is a wrong concept. Acne needs complete proper treatment. We could aggravate our skin condition if we ignore treatment for it.

Acne is a hormonal skin condition which needs attention and care. Besides conventional treatments you can cure acne with the help of natural resources. Many things which we take in our daily life as a food can really cure acne. What we need is just a balance. Balance diet is most important thing in curing acne. There is a myth that fats caused acne and to cure acne avoid fats as much as you can. But truth is that fats are important for our body but in balance quantity. Fish oil is one of the fats which are very effective for acne.

Omega 3 is a fatty acid present in fish oil which lessens the acne inflammation and helps to stop the body from over producing sebum. Sebum actually causes acne breakouts as it clogs up the pores if it is over produced. Omega 3 stops inflammation by increasing the levels of anti-inflammatory prostagladins. These prostagladins are hormones like substance present in every cell of our body.

On the other hand omega 6 is fatty acid present in fish which should be taken in lowest amount. Omega 6 causes to over produced Leukotriene B4 which has been linked to acne. You should balance these two fish oil by taking more omegas 3 and less omega 6.

Now how could we take these two oil in balance quantity in our diet? Recent researches show that taking fish more then twice a week is not good for skin as it contains mercury. Now what other option we have to take these fatty acids in our diet. Another option for these fatty acids is supplement easily available on all stores. These supplements contains balance amount of omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids. Try to take a good brand as some brands take fish oil as it is which contains mercury in it. Good brands do not contain mercury and balance amount of omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids. These supplements are available in capsule form as well as in liquid form. You can get omega 3 from essential fatty acids formula as well. To balance omega 6 intake you should avoid commercial snacks products, peanut butter and nuts.

When you should expects result after started taking this supplement? Every thing needs time to show its effectiveness so does this supplement. Don't jump into conclusion after few days that it is not effective. You should try this product for few weeks at least, after few weeks you will definitely notice improvement in your skin.