Self Empowerment - Who Will Bail YOU Out? Tag, YOU're It!

I do not know of anyone not feeling the grand pinch nowadays. The Middle Class has pretty much evaporated up to the higher echelons of the already wealthy. Rather than go ballistic about how mad I am (well, not nearly so much anymore), I've decided to empower myself rather than disempowering myself through anger and resentment.

No, I'm using all my energies to fuel my passion for good things, especially like earning an income on my own. No boss necessary. Nobody else but me can take the action necessary to keep me afloat. And one day, if I'm lucky and persevere, I'll have my financial day in the sun. No brag. Just wanting you to realize that you can do the same thing, too.

Maybe I am too possessed about earning an income from my own online business. But damnit, that's the only way I can see earning money other than 9-5'ing it. And by the way, I do that, too. But, I like to think of it as my temporary job until I am the boss of me. Sounds corny, but that's how I perceive my brick-and-mortar work. I even really like it. It's a compassionate job that helps others.

But, it will never pay enough to be worthy of so many hours of my time when I know I can do far better financially. And, by the way, when this online success does materialize, it too will be a business based on compassion. It will be as much for you as it is for me. You can never be truly successful unless you can help others find that very same success themselves. That's a done deal.

Okay, you caught be pipe-dreaming again. But, I must say, I have gotten really good at it. I'd even go so far as to call myself an expert. While this little essay seems to be all about me, it's really intended to be all about you and your own self-empowerment. We will get there together.

It's all about empowering yourself so that you can help others to do the same.