Goal Setting Workshop - Hold a Workshop on Goal Setting

/? 220510" Goal Setting Workshop

What is leadership training without a course on goal setting? If you are hesitant or unsure about facilitating an intensive goal setting workshop for youth, consider the benefits.

  1. Youth create their futures.- A goal setting workshop forces teens to think about their futures and what they want to achieve. Youth begin to realize that they play a major role in discovering their destinies. During the session, instruct participants to write a list of personal, career, and financial goals.
  2. Youth learn how to prioritize.- Since nothing can be worse than having too many goals, ask teens to rank their intentions in terms of importance. Trying to tackle too many goals at one time is a sure way to fail because all goals are not equal in their level of significance.
  3. Youth develop action plans.- Just writing down a bunch of goals is not enough. Hence, youth develop action plans by outlining the steps they must take to reach the goals along with the amount of time they are willing to commit to the goals. This step requires planning and decision making. /? 220510" Goal Setting Workshop
  4. Youth discover the importance of measurable goals.- Aside from applying critical thinking skills, a goal setting workshop builds the momentum and confidence of youth. The process challenges them to construct goals that are specific, measurable, adaptable, realistic, and timely.
  5. Youth learn the difference between short and long term goals.- Being able to distinguish between short and long term goals makes a big difference. It relieves teens of unnecessary pressure. Youth see the light at the end of the tunnel when they break long term goals down into manageable steps.

To this end, good leaders set goals throughout their lives. Give youth the tools for lifelong success. Prepare them to lead the pack. /? 220510" Goal Setting Workshop