7 Steps to Getting What you Want in Life

When I ask my clients what they want, invariably they will respond with a list of what they don't want or a vague answer such as to make more money or to lose weight. You must be specific, you can create “more” money but will a $1.00 raise be sufficient? If you are 20 to 100 pounds overweight will a 1 or 2 pound weight loss be sufficient? If you don’t know where you are going, how will you know when you get there? Very few people actually know exactly what it is they want and/or how to verbally articulate it in an affirmative way. Proverbs 18:21 says, "Death and Life are in the power of the tongue;..." Verbally expressing your desires is paramount in manifesting your desires.

1.) Inventory each major area of your life: Relationships, Financial, Career, Spiritual, Recreation/Entertainment, Personal Development/Adult Learning and ask yourself,“ What do I want?” Don't answer this question by stating what you don't want, by doing so; you will continue to get more of the same. Make a list of what it is you want to experience in each area of your life. Don’t limit yourself because of your current circumstances or because you feel that its always been this way and it always will. You are an unlimited being and you can have whatever you believe you can have. First, you have to know what you want. What do you want?

2.) Focus on a specific area from the list that you've created by reading your list 1st thing in the morning and right before bed at night.

3.) Choose 1 action that you can do daily that will bring you closer to achieving your desire. For example; I desire to be at my ideal weight. Currently, I'm not real motivated to work out so I choose to make healthy food choices when I eat. As a result, my clothes are fitting loose and I’m feeling good about being at my ideal weight.

4.) State your desires as intentions in an affirmative way. e.g. "I am at my ideal weight and I love it!" or "I intend to reach my goal weight by Dec. 1, 2007"

5.) Visualize your desired outcome. Over 20 years ago, I visualized my dream home and as a result I've been living in it for the past 12 yrs. I once weighed close to 300 pounds and I visualized being at my current weight and dress size and I've managed to reach my goal size and have continued to effortlessly maintain it for the past 6yrs.

6.) Align yourself with people who are supportive and who are willing to help you. Such as a Life Coach or someone you know who have accomplished what you want to obtain. One of my desires is to be; a successful entrepreneur with multiple streams of income. Guess what I've been attracting? Successful Entrepreneur’s, with whom I am establishing successful friendships and who are supportive in helping me achieve my entrepreneurial endeavors.

7.) Give gratitude for having the desire and knowing that the manifestation is on its way!