Home Remedy Zit - Remedies for Treating Zits with Kitchen Products

Zits are a common problem and especially so amongst teenagers and adolescents who are going through hormonal changes. Home remedy zit treatments is something that they would benefit from more than adults.

Zits are inflammations of the skin and appear mostly on the face, neck, shoulders and chest. This is a condition that bothers the young more than the adults as it comes on because of hormonal disorders and changes and it is mainly during puberty and adolescence that this happens. At this stage of life the youngsters are very conscious about their looks and are looking for various remedies including home remedies for zits. Fortunately there are many home remedies for zits alongside over the counter drugs and medications.

Home remedies for zits are all available in our own kitchens and there is not need to look any further. Depending on where you live and whether these ingredients are available there would be the only criteria. Some of the home remedies for zits are from oriental and Asian countries while others are available quite easily everywhere. Most of the remedies have healing properties and get rid of the inflammation of the zits and pimples leaving a small scab which dries up and falls off soon. Some of the home remedies for zits are listed below:

* A paste made with sandal wood and turmeric can be applied to the affected area several times during the day until the zit dries up and leaves a scab. This is a sign that the zit is dry.

* Cucumber paste applied on the face and left for 15 minutes clears the skin. If there are too many zits that are also heavily inflamed, a mixture of turmeric powder and lime juice along with the cucumber juice will have better effects.

* A mixture of lime juice and honey is very effective in healing zits and this can also be applied several times without fear as it they are harmless ingredients with healing properties.

* Orange peel that has been dried can be pounded or ground to a paste and applied on the affected are. Zits and pimples respond to this treatment pretty fast.

* Though the odor of raw garlic is quite oppressive its healing powers are just as strong. Rubbing a piece of raw garlic on a zit heals it. Garlic is also good for inflammations of the skin of any kind and is known as a blood purifier. Acne and boils are also treated with raw garlic and found to be very effective.

* Another home remedy and treatment for zits is either a few teaspoons of mint or coriander juice mixed with turmeric powder and applied on the face after thoroughly cleaning it at night. This clears the skin and leaves it soft and supple.

These home remedies for zits are harmless and yet very effective. However, there is no permanent cure for zits and this condition disappears on maturity.