Psoriasis -the Best Ayurveda Can Provide..

Psoriasis is a chronic skin disease characterized by eruptions of superficial papules and larger patches with phenomena of chronic inflammation. The name Psoriasis seemingly emerged from the Greek word 'Psora' meaning 'itch'. The aetiology of Psoriasis is unknown.Various investigators have suggested many theories to explain the origin of the disease. The theories of nervous origin have been given the best substantiation. According to this theory, psoriasis is caused by the disturbances in the functions of the nervous system. It is very well known that psoriasis or its relapses sometimes develop after psychic traumas or mental stress.

Psoriasis is one of the more serious skin diseases. Incidence of Psoriasis is on the rise in the recent times. It is believed that there are 6 million Psoriasis patients in North America alone and 2.5 lac new cases are being reported every year. It is not a contagious or an infectious disease but a life style induced disease. Psoriatic patients suffer from systemic disorders in which the immune system sends faulty signals that speed up the growth cycle process of the skin. Once the disease in triggered, the skin cells pile up on the surface of the body faster than normal. Normally, skin renews itself in about 30 days. It takes 30 days for the new skin cells to work its way up from the innermost layer of skin to the surface. In psoriatic condition, these cells reach the top in just about 3 days. The result is raised areas of skin called plaques. After the cells reach the surface, they die like normal cells, but there are so many of them that the raised patches turn white with dead cells peeling off.

There is much more emotional than physical suffering by the patient and he/she is forced to withdraw from most of his/her social activities due to the physically unappealing appearance on the skin. Ignorance and inadequate information about the disease lead to social ostracism of the patient in his/her social circles. Let us have a correct perspective of Psoriasis through Ayurveda.


Generally the disease appears as a papulation - eruption of small circumscribed solid elevation of the skin in ones and twos. They may be discrete or confluent and silvery scales will appear on the papulations. The lesions usually occur at first on the elbows, knees, scalp and lower limbs and later spread all over the body. Psoriasis patients are likely to develop psoriatic arthritis which gives joint discomfort, swelling, stiffness or throbbing. Psoriasis usually goes through cycles of relapses and remissions. In Ayurveda, Psoriasis is termed as 'Sidhmam'. Though there are many types of Psoriasis, the two recognized as the most common and widespread are:

1. Dry, circumscribed papulations with very prominent silvery scales.
2. Moist and/or suppurating papulations with scales.

As per Ayurvedic science, type 1 is the result of the combined effect of 'Vata' and 'Kapha' doshas of the body and type 2 is the result of combination of 'Vata' and 'Pitta' doshas of the body.


Human skin, though simple, is a complex system comprising protective, circulatory, sensory, lubricatory and thermo-regulatory components. Psoriasis is a condition of the skin related to the imbalance of the blood chemistry (Rakthadooshyam). Climate, food habits, anxiety, depression, heredity, etc in singly or in different combinations are considered to be the causative factors of Psoriasis.

Incompatible life styles, which could initiate the disease, among others, are: -

a) Exposure to extreme climatic and weather conditions.
b) Alternate exposure to cold (air conditioned) and natural environment.
c) Drinking of very cold water/beverages when the body is warm.
d) Faulty food and drink habits.
e) Heavy physical activities on a full stomach.
f) Mental stress & strain, job pressures, anxiety, depression, effects of psychic trauma etc.

The above conditions affect the physiological homeostasis (balance of functions of the internal organs) and upset one's temperature regulatory mechanisms. An area of the brain called Hypothalamus controls a person's body temperature. In persons with Psoriasis, it has been observed that the temperature regulatory mechanism of the Hypothalamus is upset. Clinical studies by reputed Ayurveda hospitals and Ayurveda Medical Colleges in Kerala have recorded a higher body temperature of the patients at the time of admission for treatment. Mentally stressful conditions of the patient contribute very largely to this higher body temperature and the mental trauma experienced by him/her due to the disease aggravates it further. After treatment the body temperature has been observed to revert back to normalcy.

The higher body temperature cause lesions on the skin to appear and when the scaly epidermis is peeled off and discarded, the underlying dermis and its complex systems of blood vessels, nerve endings etc are affected adversely.

The food constituents in excess that could trigger the onset of the disease are:

a) Hot, salty, spicy, acidic food.
b) Freshly harvested grains and sesame seeds in particular.
c) Milk and milk products, particularly yogurt and buttermilk.
d) Fish, honey, jaggery (crystallized/ partly dehydrated molasses).
e) Alcohol.


Ayurveda provides a promising treatment for the disease. A very important part in the treatment of psoriasis is played, in addition to general therapy, by a proper regimen and elimination of harmful factors from the patient's working and living conditions. The patient's regimen must provide for at least 7-8 hours of daily sleep, vitamin-rich food and regular outdoor hours (not less than 1 ½ to 2 hours a day). The patient should be very thoroughly examined and in cases of internal or nervous diseases, should be given corresponding treatment. It is very important to safeguard the patient against any nervous shock.The patient should avoid allergy causing food and should take sufficient
quantity of water. Any soap or shampoo should not be applied over the lesions.

Traditional Ayurveda treatment addresses the

a) Purification of blood.
b) Rejuvenation of the complex systems of the skin, the nervous system in particular.
c) Temperature regulation of the body.
d) Strengthening of the body immunization system, and
e) Psychological stabilization.

Time-tested Ayurveda procedure, Panchakarma chikitsa (Panchakarma treatment which encompasses five distinct treatment procedures) is the best course of treatment. Of the five ingredients of Panchakarma treatment, three are used to treat Psoriasis. They are: -

1) Snehapanam (consuming medicines with ghee as its base)
2) Vamanam (taking medicines that induce vomiting)
3) Virechanam (taking medicines that act as purgatives)

The treatment purifies the entire system and stabilizes the metabolism of the patient. The body immune system is built up through intake of specially prepared herbal potions.

Other procedures used to stimulate the body functionary systems and stabilize the mental and psychological condition of the patient are: -

a) Application of medicated oil on the head.
b) Applying medicated pack on the head.
c) Dhara (pouring medicated fluid/other liquids on the head in slow unbroken stream for a specified time).
d) Therapeutic Yoga, Meditation, Reiki and Pranic healing sessions.

The net result of the treatment is

a) Blood purification by Snehapanam.
b) Stimulation of hypothalamus by Dhara resulting in temperature regulation of the body.
c) Stabilizing the blood chemistry by ensuring balanced nutritious food, which are more alkaline than acidic.
d) Immunization of the body.
e) Achieve a psychological state of mental well being by application of Yoga, meditation, Reiki, Pranic healing etc.

"We are aimed at Redefining Ayurveda by propagating the ancient traditions of Ayurveda to the modern world, and practicing the Genuine, Shastroktha & Purest form of AYURVEDA from the past 9 years. Today, we are known for conceptualising ayurvedic cures to diseases like sciatica, slip disc, arthritis, spondilitis, herniated disc, degenerative disc, skin problems, psoriasis, sexual problems, infertility, parkinsonism, paralysis, psycho somatic conditions etc. For my work in the field of ayurveda I was awarded KRRUSHI RATNA AWARD, AYURVEDA TAPASWI AWARD, VAIDYA RATNA AWARD." Says Dr. Kranthi Vardhan Chief Physician & Managing Director, The Kerala Ayurvedic Care. For details contact Cell: 98666 66055, 92461 66636 & 66101140 on all days from 8am to 8pm strictly with a prior appointment