Biography Of Entrepreneurs - The Rags to Riches Entrepreneur/? " Biography Of Entrepreneurs It is the fairy tale life everyone likes to hear about. The rise to the top of the rags to riches entrepreneur. Famous names come to mind easily when thinking of such people who have created a life of wealth out of nothing. Names such as Virgin boss Richard Branson, Easy-Jet magnate Stelios Haji-Ioannou and Formula One supremo Bernie Ecclestone, to name but a few. In relation, many entrepreneurs have followed a similar path to become wealthy in their own right, if not as famous around the world. The list is endless and scanning 'Rich Lists' will always turn up stories where determination and drive has taken people to a life of abundance, to a life surrounded by wealth created out of nothing. Chris Gardner, whose biography inspired the motion picture "In Pursuit of Happiness" is a true tale of being down and out, and then having the will, vision and determination to turn one's life around. Dreaming of becoming a stockbroker, he instead found himself penniless in jail, his girlfriend having taken his son and all of his belongings. Even through that Gardner still had the tenacity to fight for his future. Being released from jail on the eve of his final interview with a major brokerage firm, he turned up at the interview in dirty jeans and a t-shirt. He told the truth, explaining his situation and his interviewer sympathised and immediately gave Gardner a place within the company training program. Several years later he started his own brokerage company in Chicago and has never looked back. /? " Biography Of Entrepreneurs Duncan Bannatyne, one of the popular faces from the BBC's Dragon's Den show, was told at the age of 11 by his mother that they couldn't afford an ice cream when he wanted one. So he took it upon himself to build himself a paper round in order to buy the whole family one the following summer. His business ventures started with his own ice-cream van, gradually building up a fleet before selling the business for a healthy profit. Then from investments in Nursing Homes and Children's Learning Centres he moved into the Health Club sector and is now worth over £310 million according to the a 2008 Sunday Times Rich List. So what does it take to make it as a rags to riches entrepreneur? A vision, a clear goal is a key starting point along with unfailing belief in oneself. An unfaltering focus and drive to make it in the world of business is needed, despite the current, often less than perfect circumstances that one may find themselves in. Some attribute the ability to take a risk as an important quality for success. It is a trait often found in young people who are generally fearless about the world and the consequences of their actions. Others will attest that keeping a firm grip, keeping your feet on the ground and not forgetting your working class roots are as equally important as a keen sense of business. Whatever the full list of ingredients are that make up the ideal recipe for success as a rags to riches entrepreneur, there appears to be a few key things necessary. With a touch of self-motivation, some common sense, luck of course, astute planning and effective implementation there will always be a chance to make those millions. /? " Biography Of Entrepreneurs |