Tips For Goal Setting - Financial Goal Setting Tips to Jump Start Your Finances

/? 190510" Tips For Goal Setting

Financial goal setting can be rather tricky, especially if you haven't even mastered basic goal setting yet. Money, it seems, always makes things twice as complicated.

But no need to worry! Here are a few tips to help you out.

Financial Goal Setting Tip # 1: Be Realistic.

When it comes to goal setting of any kind, you must always be realistic. Telling yourself that you want to earn one million dollars in one month is not realistic, especially if you're only earning minimum wage.

Setting your goals too high will only end up making you miserable. And when that happens, just how enthusiastic will you be to give financial goal setting another try?

My advice is to go small at first: Small amount in a short period of time. Once you succeed with that goal, gradually make your way up to the high stakes. /? 190510" Tips For Goal Setting

Financial Goal Setting Tip # 2: Decide on a Target.

Of course, you need to have a target amount and a target deadline. Try to be as specific as possible. The more specific you are with your financial goal, the better your chances are of actually accomplishing it.

Writing down that you want to be "rich" is inconclusive. Just how rich is "rich" anyway? And what about "someday?" When will "someday" come?

Not committing to a number and a date only gives you excuses to fail or back out. Don't set yourself up for failure. If you're really serious about setting your finances straight, give it your 100%. /? 190510" Tips For Goal Setting