Martial Arts For The Troubled Mind

Have you had a loved one pass away recently? Or maybe you are thinking about leaving a relationship or your job? Death is another metaphor for change. Yet death has been given a bad name. Compared to birth and life. Death is not something one talks about. Yet it happens. Life and death are connected. When we are born, death is inevitable. From my first breath to my last gasp, my life will end one day. So when death comes, why should I be surprised or fearful? Yet the honest truth, life involves facing fear. Fear of pain. Fear of rejection. Fear of growing old. Fear of loss. A lot of these fears are self-inflicted. We sometimes worry about a future event that is not here yet. Or a past hurt that happened years ago. Yet a lot of our beliefs define our biology.

The word Terror is becoming a common word. In some countries children are now growing up hearing the word Terror. Children sense vibrations very easily. The word Terror soon gets imprinted into their cells. They form their behaviours. These children will grow into neurotic adults. The fears of the parents will fest in the children.

This is where a martial arts for the mind is needed. I am not talking about sparring tournaments and sports trophies. It is about the victory within. Resisting other people's fears. Conquering your own fears. Your fears are like your enemies. This is where the battle is fought. Inside your mind. Ghost memories. Carnivorous beliefs. These can drain your energy. Suck your life force.

It is about repatterning the way you think. The way you move. The way you live your life.

Here is one example of how this works.

Try this.
Say the word, NO, 10 times with intensity.
Say the word, YES, 10 times with intensity.

Note the feelings in your body. Which word caused tightness? Which one expanded your energy? Now if we keep repeating words and thoughts that have negative vibrations than these can affect our energy flows. They can form negative blocks at a psychic level. Some may manifest as physical illnesses.

Recently I helped a woman who had being raped by a close relative when she was 11 years old. She asked for my help so I agreed. Her energy towards men was dark and angry yet she wanted to be in a loving relationship with a man. So we worked on transforming the negative energy. She told me about the rape. I found where she was carrying this blockage. It was in her lower abdomen. The next thing I did was to change the body vibration associated with the negative memory. I got the woman to breathe into the area by focussing her mind and breath. Help shift the energy. I wacked her body in certain places to jolt the mind and loosen up the negative memory. I then got her heart involved by asking her about love and forgiveness. She said love was like a warm feeling flowing out from her upper chest. I got her to channel this energy down into her painful memory.

At this point she started to scream and cry for a couple of minutes.

She fell down and curled into the foetal position as she recovered. I patiently watched over her during this time. The tears, the screaming and physical collapse is all part of the cleansing process. Bit like the winter before the spring. When she stood up and had returned to normal, her energy block had shifted. Her face looked much lighter. She gave me a big hug. My final words was that she daily cultivate her energy, weed out the good from the bad stuff. And make peace with whoever. My work was done. It was now over to her.

The lesson is that it is really about teaching yourself. You are both the teacher and the student. Use your own life experiences to create your own stances, forms and techniques. Deep deep down you know what works best for you. Your very own nature will show you how. Just listen to what your heart and body tell you sometimes.