The Power of Having a Burning Need

All creatures are motivated by pain and pleasure and the avoidance of pain is always a greater motivator than the desire for pleasure. Therefore, the person who so arranges the circumstances in their life and in their mind so that they will feel immense pain if they don’t achieve their goal and so that theyneedto achieve their goal instead of merely desire to achieve it, is sure to win. Why is it so important to have a burning need?  Having a burning need is important because having a burning need will give you the energy you need to persist towards achieving your goal, it will activate your subconscious mind and cause it to give you solutions to any obstacles you face, it will cause you to take action instead of procrastinating, it will make you think harder and more thoroughly with your conscious mind in order to find solutions to any obstacles, it will push you forward and ultimately, having a burning need will be one of the main factors that determines your success in achieving your goal.

So how do you make yourself have a burning need to achieve your goal?  You can start by really examining your goals in the first place and questioning whether they are really the goals of your authentic self, or if they are the goals that someone else has foisted upon you. Choose goals that really motivate you and are in harmony with your purpose.  Remember Joseph Campbell’s advice and “Follow your bliss”.  This will help to give you the fight power you need to keep moving ahead. Having worthy goals is the first step and will give you a strong foundation for creating a burning need.

Next, use pain motivation on yourself before you use pleasure motivation.  Use pain motivation by making yourself uncomfortable with your current circumstances.  You can do this by observing and/or imagining the things that you desire to have, do or be in your life but don’t have yet, and noticing the contrast between where you are and where you want to be.  Imagine the pain you will feel if you stay stuck where you are for the rest with your life or even lose what you have already.  Get scared into action by realizing your lack of security for the future.  Be lean and hungry, and at every level set even higher goals and challenge yourself.

Use pleasure motivation by visualizing the pleasure you will experience when you finally do accomplished your goal.  Feel all the sensations and the sense of well being, confidence and security that will come when your goals are accomplished.  Create this pleasurable image in your mind and breathe it in.  You can assist your imagination in this process by actually finding pictures, videos, stories or real life examples of what you want to have and then soaking in those observations like a sponge.  Imagine that you already posses those pleasurable things you are observing and have them in your life.  Remember these things and revisit them in your mind when the going gets tough.  Having a burning desire for something makes the universe compelled to give it to you and when you get to the point where you start dreaming about accomplishing your goals, you know you are getting closer to the proper level of need.  I hope this power is of a great value to you and I hope you let me know how it works out in your life, and what your thoughts are about it!